Note: This article does not apply if you reside in the US. For information and assistance regarding the US version of the FibriCheck app, please visit this link. |
The FibriCheck portal can be consulted here. It provides full details about your patients, and it is also where you can create new prescriptions.
Your portal has the following components:
- The dasboard: Once signed in to the application, the Dashboard page is automatically visible. The page contains four widgets, displaying various information about your patients.
The work list:
- The Work List displays triggered alerts for your groups, as configured on Group Settings > Select your group > Alerts. Using the alerting system allows for action-based methods of working.
- Click on the checkmark icon to acknowledge an alert. You can also select multiple alerts and acknowledge them simultaneously.
- Click on the report icon to see the alert's details - for example, the PDF report or to open the corresponding measurement.
- Click on the notebook icon to leave a comment. Acknowledged alerts will disappear from the standard view. To show these, filter on acknowledged alerts. From here, their status can also be reverted.
- The list refreshes automatically every 30 seconds.
- Button to create a FibriCheck prescription: You can find more information here.
- An overview of all your patients: Here you can find all of your patients, including various metrics such as prescription information, last measurement and last most severe measurement. Clicking om measurement timestamps will open a drawer where the measurement's details are shown. Clicking on a patient's name will take you to the Patient Details. You can also use various sorting and filtering. Your sort and filter settings will be saved and re-applied when returning to the list.
- An overview of all reports: The Reports page shows an overview of all of your patient's reports. Use the filters to find a report. Click on the download icon to download a report.
- Settings to adjust your dashboard as you see fit
- User instructions to consult the dashboard user manual
- Contact us: get in touch with us if you have any questions
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