Note: This article does not apply if you reside in the US. For information and assistance regarding the US version of the FibriCheck app, please visit this link. |
The alerts in your work list are enabled automatically. You can reconfigure them by going to Group Settings > Select your group > Alerts. To activate or deactivate an alert, use the corresponding switch.
The alerts will have a default priority assigned to them. You can change this by going to Group Settings > Select your group > Alerts. When (re-)activating an alert, you will be able to assign a different priority.
The following alerts are available:
Prescription ended: warning: A user’s prescription end report with at least one orange (warning) measurement and no urgent (red) measurements is ready.
Default priority: high -
Prescription ended: urgent: A user’s prescription end report with at least one red (urgent) measurement is ready.
Default priority: critical -
Prescription ended: quality: A user’s prescription end report with at least one blue (quality) measurement and no red, orange, or green measurements is ready.
Default priority: low -
Prescription ended: normal: A user’s prescription end report with at least one green (normal) measurement and no red (urgent) or orange (warning) measurements is ready.
Default priority: medium -
Prescription ended: empty: A user’s prescription end report that contains no measurements is ready.
Default priority: low -
First recording: warning: A user’s first recording of an orange (warning) label, for a reviewed measurement, within the timeframe of an active prescription. This alert is triggered only once per measurement, and includes the most severe label.
Default priority: high -
First recording: urgent: A user’s first recording of a red (urgent) label, for a reviewed measurement, within the timeframe of an active prescription. This alert is triggered only once per measurement, and includes the most severe label.
Default priority: critical.