The FibriCheck portal can be consulted here. It provides full details about your patients, and it is also where you can create new prescriptions.
Your portal has the following components:
- The dasboard: Once signed in to the application, the Dashboard page is automatically visible. The dashboard shows all measurements of the last 30 days, the total number of patients in your group(s) and the total number of active patients in your group(s).
- Button to create a FibriCheck prescription: You can find more information here.
- An overview of all your patients: Here you can find all of your patients, they group they're in and the number of days they have left in their prescription. Clicking on a patient's name will take you to the Patient Details.
- An overview of all reports: The Reports page shows an overview of all of your patient's reports. Use the filters to find a report. Click on the download icon to download a report.
- Settings to adjust your dashboard as you see fit
- User instructions to consult the dashboard user manual
- Contact us: get in touch with us if you have any questions