FibriCheck delivers detailed insights into the heart rate, the heart rhythm and the symptoms of your patients over an extended period of time. This enables you to use the obtained insights as a basis for objective clinical decisions.
Here are a few examples of how FibriCheck can be used:
1. Detecting previously undiagnosed AF patients
You can use FibriCheck to detect atrial fibrillation (AF) in (a)symptomatic patients, patients showing symptoms, or patients with a genetic predisposition or at heightened risk.
For instance, FibriCheck can be used for:
- Triage of patients on Holters waiting lists
- Objectivisation of complaints in symptomatic patients
- Targeted detection in patients with heightened risk
2. Monitoring known AF patients
FibriCheck can be used to monitor known AF patients before or after treatment or an event.
For instance, FibriCheck can be used for:
- Medication titration
- Follow up before or after cardioversion
- Follow up before or after catheter ablation