Note: This article does not apply if you reside in the US. For information and assistance regarding the US version of the FibriCheck app, please visit this link. |
FibriCheck works closely with a range of healthcare insurance companies and mutual health benefit societies with whom we have secured subscription fee / user fee refunds for patients.
FibriCheck is currently (partially) refunded by the following partners:
- CM
- Helan
- Vrij Neutraal Ziekenfonds
- La Mutualité Neutre
- Partenamut
The Netherlands:
- Zilveren Kruis
In addition FibriCheck is very widely used in doctors’ practices in a wide number of countries (including Belgium, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Australia…).
If you have any questions on the reimbursement of FibriCheck, please contact
Click here to find out more about the cost of FibriCheck to your patients.